Where does our Church’s income come from?
Heatherside Church is unique in being the only church in the Diocese of Guildford not to have its own church building. This means that our only income is through planned giving from individuals in the Church, where possible taking full advantage of income tax relief through Gift Aid.
Special collections may be held on occasions, such as our Easter, Remembrance and Christmas Services.
Where does the money go?
The mission for Heatherside Church is to grow the kingdom throughout the Heatherside local area of Camberley. Your donations support the various church activities in operating its services and outreach work to the parish, through children and families.
Part of our income receive is paid as “Parish Share” which is paid by all churches to the Diocese in its mission to serve God. This covers the costs of vicars and curate in the Diocese and towards the national costs of the Church of England
How do I give to the work of Heatherside Church?
Because we want every person to make a prayerful and considered approach to the way we use the money and other material gifts that God has given to us. If you would like to contribute financially to the work of Heatherside Church, there are several ways to give:
Regular Giving using PGS

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) provides an excellent, secure and committed way of supporting Heatherside Church. You can sign up to the scheme by going to our Heatherside Church PGS website, or by filling in a PGS Application form, available from the church office. Please complete the form and return to the Treasurer or one of the Churchwardens, or post it yourself to the scheme administrators, your personal details are kept secure.
The money that you give, plus any gift aid, will be in our church bank account within ten days of it leaving your account. There is no charge for being part of the Parish Giving Scheme, so every penny that you give will go directly to church funds.
Directly to our Bank Account
Account name: Heatherside Church PCC Sort code: 30-91-79 Account number: 00444929 quoting your name as reference.
Click here to donate online – our Give A Little page supports options for one-off and regular giving.
Click here to download a Standing Order form -print off and complete, sign and post or take into your bank. If you pay tax, then click here to download a Gift Aid form which will allow us to claim back Gift Aid and increase the value of your gift by 25%. Please give your completed form to the Treasurer or one of the Churchwardens.
Giving during our Church Service
We also welcome cash as part of our Plate Collection during every Sunday service. In addition we have a Contactless Device which allows debit or credit card donations to be made. The Just Giving device is located by the kitchen hatch in the lobby.
If you would like any further advice please contact the Treasurer, David Swift, on 07718 372529.